Resources for faith-filled climate action during Lent
Weekly video series
Our six-part weekly video series features stories of disaster recovery, resilience and faith from our church partners in Tonga.
Be inspired by the work being done on the frontlines of climate change and find out how your support makes a difference!
Click the thumbnail pic to jump to the video you want to see, or choose Video page to see them all..

Resources and articles
AcClimatise The Lectionary Project, Synod of NSW & ACT, 2025
Weekly reflections to address the realities of climate change and the rise of climate injustice.
Assembly National Climate Action Plan, Uniting Church in Australia, 2020
Climate Justice Resources for Congregations, Uniting Church in Australia, 2020
These religious leaders say climate change is impacting the future of religion, ABC Radio National, 2023
Christian Climate Change Action Kit, Australian Religious Response to Climate Change, 2017
Future of religion — A changing climate, UnitingWorld National Director, Dr Sureka Goringe on ABC Radio National's Soul Search, 2023
Pasifika theologians reweaving the ecological mat, Rev Dr Cliff Bird (United Church Solomon Islands) and Rev Dr Seforosa Carroll (United Theological College) on ABC Radio National's Soul Search, 2023

2024 Lent Event videos
Pacific Theologians reflect on faith, climate change and how we can work together to protect God's creation.
Watch all 7 videos on Vimeo
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Week 1 Resources
Week 2 Resources
Bible Study (2020)
"We appreciated exploring what it really means for those of us who call ourselves Christians to be 'created in the image of God' and what a world fully reconciled with God would look like. The challenge to reflect on what it means to be reconciled with God and called into a relationship with all people - despite our differences - was significant. We recommend these studies for groups in all Uniting Churches to tackle!"
Download the Digital Bible Study
(40-page, printable PDF)
Order printed Bible Study booklets
Order the full-colour 40-page A5 booklets for your church or group, or for personal use. Free postage.
Even more resources!
Sermon on Jubilee, 2019Dr. Sureka Goringe, National Director of UnitingWorld, shares a sermon at Leichhardt Uniting Church on the concept of Jubilee, and what it means to work for a reconciled world.
Previous Lent Event video collections
You can download by clicking through to each video in the series and pressing the 'download' button.
Lent Event 2018 video series (Pacific focus)
Lent Event 2019 video series (Timor-Leste focus)
Lent Event 2020 video series (Ambon focus)
‘Good news people’ (UnitingWorld’s video for the UCA Triennial Assembly, 2021) | Direct Download
Past Bible Studies
Click to download (PDF)
Finding Jesus in the stranger (Lent Event Bible study 2020)
Living with courage in a fearful world (Lent Event Bible study, 2019)
Faith in Action (Lent Event Bible study 2018)
Guided by the light, guided by the spirit (Lent Event Bible study, 2016)
40 Days of Hope: Six Bible Studies for the Lenten Journey (Lent Event 2015)
Resources for Coordinators
If you wish to do Lent Event as a church/group offline, great! Here's some ways you can collect and account for donations.
Donation Details Form (Record congregation donations so we can issue individual receipts where needed)
Bank Deposit Summary (To record deposits made for Lent Event collections / donations)
Congregation Notices (Coming soon!)
We also have church giving slips available (they look like this). Please get in touch if you would like some to be posted out to you! or 1800 998 122