Emergency Appeal


Papua New Guinea 2024

A landslide occurred in Enga Province in the highlands of Papua New Guinea on 24 May 2024.

It is estimated that more than 670 people may have died when 150+ houses were buried under soil, rubble and rocks. Emergency response is underway, although the area is still unstable and dangerous, and further landslides may occur. Thousands of people may need to be evacuated, and the long-term impact on the community is expected to be devastating. (Read coverage on ABC News herehere and here.)

You can help.

UnitingWorld is working through our membership in the Church Agencies Network - Disaster Operations (CAN DO) to support joint relief and recovery efforts.

The main activities are focused on timely and effective delivery of relief to the affected populations. This means providing food, non-food items and shelter support (tarpaulins, tents, etc.).

Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible in Australia.

Main photo: Kindupan Kambii from Facebook
Background photo: Vika Chartier on Unsplash

Rev Dr Apwee Ting, UnitingWorld International Partnerships Manager shared a prayer for Papua New Guinea ??

God who journeys with us,
We come before You with hearts full of compassion and concern for the people of Papua New Guinea. We lift up to You the communities that have been affected by the recent landslides, especially those in the remote village in Enga Province.

Loving God,
we ask for Your divine protection and provision for those who have lost loved ones, homes, and livelihoods. Surround them with Your love and give them strength to endure the hardships they face. Bring comfort to those who are grieving and peace to those who are anxious and afraid.

We pray for the churches in Papua New Guinea, that they may be a light of hope and a source of comfort in these trying times. Bless their efforts and those of the national and local governments, medical staff, and all the volunteers who are tirelessly working to provide aid and relief. Grant them wisdom, patience, and resilience as they serve their communities.

Lord of healing,
in the face of destruction and loss, may Your presence be profoundly felt. Let Your love flow through every helping hand and every act of kindness. Help the people of Papua New Guinea to rebuild their lives and their communities with courage and faith.

We trust in Your unfailing love and mercy, believing that You can bring beauty from ashes and hope from despair. May Your light shine brightly in Papua New Guinea, now and always.

In Jesus' name, we pray.


Donate by   phone  or mail


1800 998 122

(9am-5pm, Mon-Fri)

Send a cheque or money order to:


PO Box A2266

Sydney NSW 1235

Direct banking details

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For direct banking, please arrange to deposit your donation into the following UnitingWorld Account:

Bank: Westpac - King St, Sydney

Account Name: UnitingWorld Donations

BSB: 032-014 Account Number: 182657

Description: PNG Landslide

On completion of your deposit, please forward an email to: info@unitingworld.org.au with the following details: the amount you deposited, to where you wish the funds be directed ("PNG Landslide"), to whom the receipt is to be made out to and the relevant contact details for the receipt (address and phone number).

Your personal information will only be used for the primary purpose for which it was collected and will never be sold on or disclosed to any person, body or agency except where required by law. You can read our full Privacy Policy here. 

In the unlikely event that funds raised exceed the needs of this response, they will be held in UnitingWorld’s Emergency Contingency Fund to be used in future emergency responses.


As a member of ACFID, UnitingWorld is held accountable to the highest standards of governance, financial transparency and effectiveness in our work.

UnitingWorld gratefully acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).