✓ Create leadership opportunities for Pacific women 
 ✓ Resource advocates to promote gender equality 
 ✓ Prevent violence against women and girls 

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Can help a gender equality champion visit schools, churches and youth groups to share about God’s vision for healthy relationships.
Can resource an experienced woman leader to be a mentor for emerging woman leaders in her community.
Can support a woman to become a trained counsellor on a team delivering a family violence helpline.
Can help remove the financial barriers for a woman to study theology, setting her on the path to ordination and leadership.

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Pacific women are building a movement for dignity and equality

They need your support.

For more than a decade now, we've been supporting Pacific women to build a movement for gender equality across our region. Christian women leaders and changemakers have begun to break down the barriers that prevented them from becoming decision makers in their churches, schools, governments and communities. They've used their positions to advocate for others and for equal respect and dignity.

It's vital work. In a region that has some of the highest rates of violence against women and children, and lowest levels of political representation of women in the world, access to leadership opportunities and seats at the tables of power ensures women's voices are heard and acted on.

But there's a long way to go. The slow progress on gender equality in the Pacific tells us that we can’t just sit back and wait for change to happen. We need to resource and empower women leaders and changemakers now.  Meet some of the Pacific women making change with your support.

Now more than ever we need to stand with Pacific women and help resource their movement. Through this appeal we aim to raise $90,000 to support our partners faithfully progressing gender equality through church networks in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Tuvalu.

Your support will go a long way through the love and determination of Pacific women leaders making powerful change.

Please give generously.

Gender equality matters.

  • In many Pacific Island nations, up to two in three women (68%) have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner in their lifetime, one of the highest rates in the world. 
  • Men earn 20 to 50 percent more than women and, outside the agricultural sector, they outnumber women in paid employment by two to one.
  • Despite progress in education, girls in the Pacific still face barriers to completing secondary education. In the Solomon Islands, only around 29% of girls complete lower secondary school.
  • Discrimination against women and entrenched bias mean women make up less than 7% of parliamentarians in Pacific Island countries, far below the global average of 26%. Papua New Guinea and Vanuatu have no women in their national parliaments.

"We are all called to work together towards the elimination of violence against women and children."
- Rev Dr Seforosa Carroll.

How your support creates change

Through our church partnerships, we're connected to a formidable network of Pacific women creating vital change in their communities. We've been supporting their work in two ways:

  1. We resource women in the Pacific to study theology and seek ordination, equipping them for leadership in the Church and community.
  2. We support women leaders and male advocates to promote gender equality through a theological lens. Using resources developed in partnership with Pacific theologians and UnitingWorld, Jesus’ life-giving witness of love, justice and equality is being shared in churches, colleges and communities across the Pacific.

Through these projects, women are transforming their communities with Christian leadership, life-giving theology, teaching anti-violence and inspiring advocates, creating better living conditions and stronger communities.

Click on the illustration to see a bigger version of the change you'll be helping create by standing with Pacific women!

Meet some of the Pacific women making change with your support.

Click the images to open a message from each of them.

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Elder Martha, Gender Project Officer, Presbyterian Church of Vanuatu 

Elder Martha works for our church partner in Vanuatu, travelling to communities throughout the nation, telling the story of God’s plan for men and women, equal, in partnership, toward fullness of life. She shared recently: 

You know when I started in this work, I had only seen men in leadership and like all my sisters, I had no confidence in myself to be part of anything that could really create change for our communities.  

But I knew that our families were suffering – culturally we accepted men’s violence against women and children; we never questioned our place as housewives; we never spoke up or shared our ideas. And that was bad for everyone, bad for our society. 

When the influential chiefs and leaders from the villages came to hear this message, alongside their wives, they were curious. And when those same men went home and changed the way they treated their families, people could not ignore it. They saw men who had spent all their days with other men, who disciplined their wives and children with beatings, now staying at home to help care for children, to cook a meal, to wash the pots. This is so new, so strange! They saw these men invite women to speak, to contribute. What was happening? People watched. People talked. 

I am so grateful to you all for your faithful support and for your knowledge that God’s spirit is powerful to convict and transform, in God’s time.  

We do it together, knowing that while it takes time, it will be successful. Ten years ago I could not have believed this change was possible. Now I am seeing it all come together. It is happening. 


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Pastor Waiena, Gender Equality Theology Minister, Kiribati Uniting Church

Warm greetings from Kiribati. My name is Pastor Waiena, and I am honoured to share my journey in promoting gender equality in our community. 

Gender equality is crucial in Kiribati, where patriarchal systems often leave women and children vulnerable. By embracing gender equality, we can bring peace, happiness, and safety to our islands. Our movement is like nurturing old, sweet wine, blooming with new opportunities as we spread this vital message through workshops and partnerships. 

I began this work as a GET Minister in December 2021, with the support of my family, colleagues, and UnitingWorld. My motivation comes from witnessing the neglect and violence against women and children. Inspired by John 10:10, I strive to help everyone live life to the fullest, free from fear and inequality. 

Our work involves planning, raising awareness, and fostering strong bonds. Despite cultural resistance, we are seeing positive changes. Women are gaining the courage to report violence and make decisions. 

Your support is vital in changing mindsets and promoting safer communities. Please pray for our continued efforts and for an end to violence in Kiribati. Together, we can create a genuinely Christian and equal Kiribati. 

In faith and solidarity, 

Pastor Waiena 

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Leila Parina, United Church in Papua New Guinea 

Dear friends, 

I was fortunate to attend training in gender equality theology through my church. It meant a lot, because in our communities there is domestic violence, neglected families, rape and harassment, and church teachings do not often touch on these topics. Through the training I learnt more about God’s love for all people and different theological perspectives and ways of interpreting scripture. These have inspired me to continue working and advocating as part of my faith community and finding my vocation. I am now studying to become a journalist to share the stories of women in the Pacific and the challenges they face.  

By empowering women and educating the community through gender equality, there is more peace and communities can flourish and thrive. Because violence and inequality affect everyone, I believe the solution also needs to involve the whole community, including churches. That’s why it is important to use faith and scripture in all acts and services to bring change. 

I’d like to acknowledge the efforts of international partners and supporters who have shared resources to help the gender equality cause in the Pacific. There are many life-changing testimonies and positive outcomes that have been achieved because of the generous support of our partners, and for that we Pacific islanders are grateful! 

Thank you. 

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Rev. Siera has been one of the key people building a movement for gender equality across the Pacific for more than a decade now, working with United Church in the Solomon Islands, UnitingWorld and the Pacific Conference of Churches. 

We need to fight for equality because right now in the Pacific two out of every three women suffer violence, our islands have some of the highest rates of violence against women and children in the world. 

What motivates me is the idea that women should have freedom to serve their church and community; if they want to be ordained or a leader, that should be decided by their education.  

For the church to say, ‘no you can’t be ordained because you’re a woman’, I completely disagree with that, especially because there are still so few women being allowed to serve and share their gifts. 

This journey started like a small boat, with just a few of us on it starting to show how faith and Christian leadership were essential to progressing gender equality in the Pacific.   

Then UnitingWorld resourced it and we could engage whole denominations and start to see shifts. It became like a large ship, where many churches, women’s fellowships and leaders started to come on board. Now it is far bigger and there is a need for resources. 

The passage in the Bible that really motivates and encourages me to continue in this work is John 10:10 about ‘fullness of life’ that Jesus brings. For me it helps remind us that we not only connect with other people, but also with the world, the environment. 

It’s important today because of how climate change is affecting our communities and especially our women. So, we need to have more collaboration across countries to help create more safe, healthy and resilient communities. We can be part of that fullness of life for all people and creation. 

Thank you to everyone who has been with us on this journey. 

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Sydney NSW 1235

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For direct banking, please arrange to deposit your donation into the following UnitingWorld Account:

Bank: Westpac – King St, Sydney NSW
Account Name: UnitingWorld Donations
Account Number: 182657
BSB: 032-014

Reference: Pacific women

IMPORTANT: On completion of your deposit, please forward an email to: info@unitingworld.org.au with the following details: the amount you deposited, to where you wish the funds be directed ("Where most needed"), to whom the receipt is to be made out to and the relevant contact details (address and phone number).

Thank you!

Progress to our fundraising goal

Through this appeal we aim to raise $90,000 to support our partners faithfully progressing gender equality through church networks in Fiji, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Vanuatu and Tuvalu. 

Every gift, large or small, helps us reach our funding goal. Thank you for your generosity!

$33,996 raised

$90,000 Goal

$33,996 raised

$90,000 Goal

All gifts of $2 or more are tax-deductible. Donations to this appeal will support UnitingWorld's Women in Ministry and Gender Equality Theology projects, respectively. In the unlikely event that funds raised exceed the amount required for these projects, funds will be used for other UnitingWorld projects.

Your personal information will only be used for the purpose for which it was collected and will not be disclosed to any person, body or agency except where required by law. Read our full Privacy Policy.

UnitingWorld is accredited by the Australian Government and is a member of the Australian Council for International Development (ACFID), which holds us to accountable to the highest standards of governance, financial transparency and effectiveness in our work. We gratefully acknowledge the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and other programs.

UnitingWorld is proudly an agency of the Uniting Church in Australia. Read more about our mission and mandate.

Thank you for your support! 

Together we make a powerful difference.

Other ways to support UnitingWorld


As a member of ACFID, UnitingWorld is held accountable to the highest standards of governance, financial transparency and effectiveness in our work.

UnitingWorld gratefully acknowledges the support of the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).